Upcoming Events
March 1st, 2025
The King Brothers will be performing at CBC for a night of Irish music and dancing. Members only. Cash bar. Food will be provided by the club. Mark your calendars 3/1/25 from 6:30 - 9:00 pm
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Past Events
CBC MoneyBAll Event
Saturday, April 13th, 2024
Catering by: Pepperoncini Restaurant / Open bar
Inquire at the club for more details
All proceeds will benefit the Montgomery County Hero Fund!
March 2nd, 2024
The King Brothers will be performing at CBC for a night of Irish music and dancing. Members only. Cash bar. Food will be provided by the club. Mark your calendars 3/2/24 from 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Irish night at the CBC
19th Annual Breakfast with Santa at the Conshohocken Bocce club
When: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 2023 9:00am-12:00pm
Santa will be stopping at the CBC for breakfast and to say hello to all the children before making final preparations for Christmas Day. So please remind your little ones to bring their appetites and wish lists. This is a great event for parents/grandparents.
Adults $10.00 (Kids under 10 FREE) and includes a buffet style full breakfast.
Tickets will be available for purchase behind the bar and MUST be purchased in advance. We will also accept payment via Venmo (@CBC19428 - please include "BWS" followed by your first and last name)
Members: Don't forget to pick up your 50/50 tickets. Drawing will be held at the event.
Monday, July 3rd, 2023
CBC Member Appreciation Night
CBC Member Appreciation Night
As a thank you to our members for their continued support, the Club will be hosting a Members Appreciation night and fireworks viewing on Monday, July 3rd. The event will be a cash bar and the Club will provide burgers, hot dogs, chicken, sides, and other snacks from 5:30 pm on. The event is for members only however, members are allowed to bring their spouse/significant other and children if they wish (no one under 21 is allowed to sit at the bar and children shall be supervised by an adult at all times). Please sign-up here so we can plan food accordingly.
Information regarding the fireworks display can be found on the borough's website: The fireworks are scheduled to begin around 9:30 pm.
Conshohocken St. Paddy's Parade Day
Saturday, March 11th, 2023
The club is open, come down!
Decades dance
60s, 70s, 80s & 90s
Saturday, February 11th, 2023 from 7:00pm-11:00pm at CBC
DJ - Dancing - Light Fare - Cash Bar
$20.00 per person (admission is limited to 100 - must present ticket at door for admission)
Karaoke at CBC
Saturday, November 26th 7pm-close
We will be collecting non-perishable food items benefiting the Colonial Neighborhood Council. All donations are greatly appreciated.
We hope to see you there!
CBC MoneyBAll Event
Saturday, April 9th, 2022
stay tuned for more details
*Update: CBC raised over $3,500 for the Colonial Neighborhood Council!
Update 4/27: The Conshohocken Bocce Club is happy to have raised $3,500 for the Colonial Neighborhood Council during their "Money Ball" event held earlier this month! Thanks to all who participated!
***We will be running a food drive for the Colonial Neighborhood Council. If you have any non-perishable food you'd like to donate, bring them the next time you stop down to the club. It would be greatly appreciated. The food drive will continue through Sunday, April 24th***
New Years Eve Potluck
The Cub will be hosting a Potluck NYE party until 1am.
If you'd like to bring a dish, please fill out the Response Form(inactive)
***Eagles Watch PartIes***
The Club hosts various Watch Parties for the Eagles games throughout the season. Food is often provided by the Club.
9th* Annual Mike DiFerdinand Golf Outing
(*after a 4 year hiatus)
(*after a 4 year hiatus)
Saturday, Sept. 16st, 2023
8:00 AM Shot Gun Start
WHERE: Skippack Golf Club
1146 Stump Hall Road
Skippack, PA 610-584-4226
COST: $130.00 Per Person
All inclusive: Golf, Dinner & Open Bar at the CBC Afterwards or
$40.00 Per Person, Includes Dinner & Open Bar at the CBC Afterwards.
CONTACT: Ralph Gambale-610-608-5446
Door Prizes ! ! ! Gift Certificates !!!
Hole Sponsor-$100.00 per hole.
All Proceeds to benefit:
Northwest Veterans Association